


心理学 is the scientific study of mind and behavior that seeks to understand human behaviors, thoughts and emotions through examining them in many different situations and environments. The use of psychological theories and concepts is an increasingly important tool in today’s ever-changing, 多元化和全球化的社会.

  • The 十大最大的网络彩票平台 心理学 degree can be obtained through traditional face-to-face campus-based studies, fully online or a combination of the two.
  • 心理学 courses at TU cover a wide variety of topics, 比如道德行为, 异常行为, 大脑的生物学, 学习与认知, as well as educational and organizational behavior.
  • All faculty have doctorate degrees and real-world experience which they bring to their classrooms.
  • 未成年人——例如 体育的研究, 上瘾, 康复研究 and 老年医学 -可用.

项目主任:博士. 宋敏宁229-226-1621

Completion of this program provides students to the ability to apply directly to the TU 临床心理健康 & Clinical Rehabilitation 咨询 硕士学位课程.


Students with no prior college credit, please provide an official high school transcript or GED. Students with prior college credit must submit official transcripts from all previously attended colleges.

将正式成绩单寄至 admissions@007korea.net.


托马斯维尔,GA 31792



  • 作文我
  • 作文二世
  • Oral Communication for Professionals
  • 大学研究
  • 大学代数
  • 统计数据
  • 生命的发展
  • 普通心理学
  • 科学选修课(1节课)
  • Cultural Foundations (3 classes)
  • Creativity Electives (2 classes)


  • 心理学史
  • 学习心理学
  • 生物心理学
  • Psychological Tests and Measurements
  • 认知心理学
  • 变态心理学
  • Professional Standards and Ethics
  • 定量研究方法
  • 定性研究方法

Open Electives/Minor 33 credits




This minor prepares graduates to work with people who are struggling with alcohol and drug abuse in a variety of settings, such as substance abuse treatment centers.

  • 危机干预
  • Introduction to Substance Abuse
  • Treatment Models for 上瘾
  • 药理学
  • 并发疾病

This minor prepares graduates to work in agencies that focus on people who are in their older adult years. It is estimated that by 2025, one-fourth of the population in the U.S. and Canada will be over 65 years old. Graduates will understand the issues related to the changing roles and responsibilities of older adults. They will have increased skills to work with the elderly population. Students will be able to earn a certificate in 老年医学.

  • Social 老年医学: Family and Care-giving Issues
  • 生命终结问题
  • 健康老龄化
  • 悲伤心理咨询
  • 衰老心理学

This minor prepares graduates to work with persons with disabilities, whether visible or invisible. Graduates will be able to work in settings, 比如心理健康机构, agencies serving clients with developmental disabilities, day programs or adolescent facilities.

  • Introduction to 康复研究
  • 文化的多样性
  • 辅助技术
  • Rehab Studies Electives (2 courses)

Students with a 体育的研究 minor will be able to:

  • Demonstrate breadth of preparation for coaching a variety of sports at different levels.
  • Understand the developing physical and psycho-social aspects of sports participants.
  • Understand the 业务 practice of sports administration.
  • Understand sport as an integral part of today's society.

Students choose five of the following courses:

  • 体育科学概论
  • 伤害预防
  • 体育运动心理学
  • Introduction to Sport 管理
  • 教练理论与方法
  • 体育社会学



Careers are available in a variety of fields, 包括十大网络彩票平台大全, 医学, 医疗保健, 青年服务, 业务, sports, 科学研究.

Jobs in this area are projected to grow faster than average through 2026.

来源: 劳工统计局

Many students interested in this field further their education with a graduate degree.  3级毕业生.0 GPA or higher are eligible to enter the TU 硕士学位课程 in 临床心理健康 and Clinical Rehabilitation 咨询.

+Psi Chi荣誉协会

Psi Chi荣誉协会标志Psi Chi, the international honor society in 心理学, was founded in 1929. The purpose of Psi Chi is to encourage, stimulate and maintain excellence in scholarship of the individual members and advance the science of psychology.




托马斯维尔,GA 31792